The Land – Crowlands Wind Farm, Pyrenees Shire 

Our Client – Pacific Hydro; The Issue – Access to turbines via unused Government Roads

The Land – The ocean seabed off Barwon Heads

Our Client – Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELPW); The issue – Governance of the sunken HMAS Canberra dive site

The Land – ‘Joint Management’ reserves in Gunaikurnai country

Our Client – the Knob Reserve Committee of Management; The Issue – Governance under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010

The Land – Victoria’s Coastal Reserves

Our Client – Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC); The Issue – How coastal erosion impacts legal title boundaries

The Land – South Melbourne Market

Our Client – City of Port Phillip; The Issue – Leases and Licence for Stallholders

The Land – 24k-long linear reserve, previously Melbourne’s main outfall sewer

Our Client – City of Wyndham; The Issue – Negotiating a governance regime involving Council, Melbourne Water and VicRoads

The Land – 500 community facilities across Geelong

Our Client – City of Greater Geelong; The Issue – A Community Use Strategy and a Governance Framework

The Land: Melbourne Recital Centre

Our Client: Major Projects Victoria; The Issue: Authorisation of projections into airspace above roads

The Land: Murray River frontage at Mildura

Our Client: Places Victoria; The Issue: Assembly of land parcels for redevelopment

The Land: Coasts, Lakes and Rivers across Victoria

Our Client: Department of Transport, Planning & Local Infrastructure; The Issue: Governance of recreational boating facilities

The Land: Lake Boga

Our Client: Goulburn-Murray Water; The issue: Strategy for managing 140 illegal encroachments

The Land: Anywhere that people congregate

Our Client: Victorian Environmental Assessment Council; The Issue: What makes Melbourne ‘liveable’?

The Land: Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne

Our Client: Lend Lease on behalf of Myers Pty Ltd; The Issue: Acquisition of rights to airspace for pedestrian bridge

Lunchtime Conversations about Public Land

Lunchtime Conversations about Public Land
Course Overview

Join us on-line on the second Tuesday of every month from 12 noon to 12.45pm for a lively, interactive, casual chat all about different topics relating to Public Land. 

Upcoming Presentations of this Course
Tue 9 July 2024
A lively 45 mins Lunchtime Conversation - Landlord-Tenant Relations starting at 12 noon
Presenter: David Gabriel-Jones
Cost : 



To register, contact our Training Course Manager, Fiona Sellars